
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wet Towels.

It’s raining. Again. But then again it always rains here in the spring—or at least that’s what they say, or I think they are saying; I haven’t gotten that far in my Italian classes yet. The rain, which feels more like ice pellets, bounce off the hood of my fleece-lined coat and I can’t help but almost skip through the narrow street. This is nothing like I’m used to. My view out my bedroom window of the white sandy beaches of Florida have been replaced with tall, foreign buildings. I stop at a small parchment store that sits on the corner next to the Pitti Palace; I have always wanted to go in. Right in the window, next to a tie-dyed piece of parchment paper and a paper cut out of an elephant sits a post card of the deep blue ocean contrasted by the light beaches. You can see the heat in the picture.
“It is vintage,” the lady behind the counter said to me in a thick Italian accent. She handed me the delicate paper. I could feel the heat in the picture. I closed my eyes. The sticky heat I once thought was unbearable suddenly seemed like a novelty I would never feel again. The feeling of being hit with warm wet towels every time you step out the front door was so different from the dry, bone-chilling weather here. A heard of bikers came flying around the corner pulling me out of my daydream. I hate bikes. I handed the lady two euros and stepped out the door back into the cold, clinging to the warmth of my post card that now sat in my purse.

1 comment:

  1. First, I like the consistency of the white font all throughout the blog. I like the heading font and how it matches the choice of font for the titles of each post. However, I think this blog could have utilized a more creative font instead of Arial. I as well chose my blog’s content to be centered, so I like the overall set up of their blog. Maybe the pictures could be more integrated with the text instead of just all being places on the right side. One of my biggest issues with the font was the quote that was under ‘King and a Lionheart.” The blogger made this quote in gray and you could not read the quote at all against the Atlas and the quote would have been a good asset to the blog if the viewer were able to see it.

    Next, this blog at first went in the direction of the narrator being in a foreign country. Overall, I feel the writing and the pictures used to describe the scenes could have been stronger. The first entry of this blog is very vague and the blogger could have definitely gone deeper with the imagery if they wanted to keep the plot vague in the beginning.
    I think the author did a great job with blog assignment number two. She described the beaches extremely well and I really felt like I was in the white sandy beaches of Florida at some points. Again, I felt like the pictures could have been stronger and been more integrated into the text to create more imagery. I think the author did well with connecting the stories and the plot line is coming together. I really enjoyed the video and it brings humor to the piece but is still relevant to the post.
    Overall, I think this blog could become stronger with better photos and more integration between the images and text. I also think a background would help intensify the blog and attract a viewer’s eye.
    All in all, I think the content is well written the author is doing a great job with rolling with the punches of each week's assignment.
